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Ear boner

It is when your ear gets really hard and you stick it up a women's vagina.

Man 1:"hey dude, you should give her a ear boner."
Man 2:"sure."

by I will give you a ear boner May 22, 2017

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Boner Alert

That weird feelin us guys get around preschoolers

When I saw the newborn baby I got a boner Alert

by I am a person l May 29, 2023

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flash boner

an erection that last under 1 min.

bro 1: dude was that ur mom

bro2: yea

bro1: ok because ur sister just gave me a flash boner.

by Erin Mcracken November 13, 2009

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Nightmare Boner

When Nicki Minaj gives you a boner.

Man1: Hey looks it Nicki Minaj's new video

Man2: Aww now i have a nightmare boner

by sleepydude2 January 24, 2012

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When a Lady gets sexually excited and starts humping you or being overly excited with a red face or overly friendly.

She was so exited she had a Lady-boner .

by Mazdaman November 26, 2018

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Freaky Boner

this type of boner occurs because a girl you brought back to your room turns out to be much freakier in the sheets than you had originally thought she would be. This can be a good thing or a scary bondage scars your mind type thing. Either way you generally regret some of the things you do with a girl while you had a freaky boner.

Guy 1: Dude, last night that girl was a total freak in the sheets

Guy 2: really!

Guy 1: Yeah, but I got a little too much of a freaky boner and may have done some things I regret.

Guy 2: What do you mean.

Guy 1: Well I probably shouldn't have smacked her ass while she was on the way out...

Guy 2: Woah.

Guy 1: And I think I also regret taking a shit on her chest and making her eat it...

Guy 2: Holy shit man, that's fucked up...

Guy 1: She was really into it though. Well, that's a freaky boner for you.

by john crowe ransom September 8, 2011

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boner hype

Boner hype, when your a kid, boy or girl, and you keep hearing older people, or perhaps your peers, talking about boners. You don't know what it is, but your curious. Nobody will tell you so it's kind of like that gabo episode of the simpsons.

Dude: blah blah blah, and then he totaly got a boner.hahahahahahahahahahahaha
Other Dude:Funny shit.
Little kid: what the hell is a boner? why is that funny?
Other Dude: maybe if you were a cool teenager like us we'd tell you!
Dude: yeah but for now you will live in the dark! HAW HAW HAW!
Little Kid:man i'm sick of all this boner hype!

by vulgarity4charity April 12, 2011

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