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fuck me daddy oh yeah

fuck me daddy,oh yeah fuck me is normaly used juring sex due to the male/female who are injoying thierselfs

fuck me daddy oh yeah would be used as a way to show you are injoying yourself

by alright fuck u then April 27, 2021

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oh Vesuvio, lavali col fuoco

it's an Italian exclamation used to say hi to a person from Naples, it's a must say thing if you're in Naples.

ao, napoletano terrone di merda, senti questa: "oh Vesuvio, lavali col fuoco"

by 😑😑😑 April 9, 2023

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Oh F*ck! David's Here

An exclamation used when a douche bag enters your group\room and a good conversation stops.

David = Douchefaggot

*"David" walks into the room*

"Oh F*ck! David's Here"

*Everyone leaves*

by BethanyElementary August 17, 2011

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Oh SHi- I mean God no

You say this when you are about to say Oh Sh!t ,but your parents walk in the room.

Person 1: *Stubs toe* Oh shi-
Parents: Walk in the room
Person: I mean God NO
Oh SHi- I mean God no is what you do when your about to say a OH SHIT then your parents or innocent kid walks into the room.

by MonkishAphid69420 December 11, 2019

Oh, how the grapefruits have fallen!

The person has fallen from grace. They’re not as good as they used to be.

Look at them, this is so sad. Oh, how the grapefruits have fallen!

by Snowflake Jones June 9, 2019

oh my goody good goodness

when something is extremely silly or bizarre

did he really just do that, oh my goody good goodness!

by sneakyern October 7, 2022

Oh my sweet giddy gads

A phrase most likely to be used by mothers, meaning something like "Oh my word" or
"Oh my goodness"

Oh my sweet giddy gads, that's the cutest little baby I ever did see.

by Ethan Schrodenheimer March 27, 2020