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Dragon Ball Z

Dragon these ballz across yo face

Me: yo bro
Bro: what
me: do you know what dragon ball z is?
Bro: no why

me:dragon these ballz across yo face

by CockNBall torturer November 15, 2023

Dragon ball z

Best anime show ever created on this world,fuck naruto that’s only for gays.

Watch dragon ball z or your moms a hoe

by Vageta March 5, 2019

Dragon ball z

It sucks and are for gays such as J@mie it’s a stupid anime with dudes flying and shoot big loads of nut at each other

The worst anime is dragon ball z

by Chripp3r❤ faze clan June 4, 2019


A absolute dogshit anime that is so dogshit that even dogs shit when watching this trash of an anime made by dogshit people. Only people who eat DOGSHIT like this DOGSHIT anime. tHE CHARACTERS ARE DOGSHIT THE PLOT IS DOGSHIT THE ANIMATION IS DOGSHIT THE FIGHTSCENE IS DOGSHIT LIKE IF YOU LIKE THIS ANIME YOU MIGHT HAVE TO GET CHECKED OUT BY A DOCTOR FOR HAVING DOGSHIT SYNDROME.

Person 1:Hey did you watched Dragon Ball Z?
Person 2: Yeh it was so absolutely DOGSHIT that my DOGSHIT and I now have DOGSHIT syndrome.

by U$$$AAA August 9, 2023

Atom dragon

A person with superior knowledge and power to control others is usually loveable and kind sometimes cringe

Dam bruh that's person is like an atom dragon

by Menji April 28, 2021

Dragon money

Money a channel makes when one of their shows gets extremely popular and often used to finance other shows. Coined by Stephen Colbert and John Oliver who both work for HBO. The term "dragon money" refers to the money that HBO made from their popular show "Game Of Thrones".
The phrase is often said when you use money earned by another show to finance your own.

We can spend money on ridiculous things like wax presidents on our shows because we have dragon money.

by AwesomeSauceGeek July 12, 2018

Piff the Magic Dragon

A person Who is a magic dragon

Hey look, Its Piff the Magic Dragon.

by Reaper FL YT November 12, 2018