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Check Money

A large amount of money that typically exceeds $1,000 and/or what the average person would consider too much money to be causally carrying around.

Check money is typically used for big purchases such as a car or house.

Cash or check?

Cash is easier it’s only $35 not Check money.

Person 1: I want to buy a new mustang

Person 2: You got Check money for a mustang?

by Sstav August 5, 2021

Money Way

Term used by Alex Rover, Rich The Kid, Tay Money and Lil Tay to tell everyone that they are currently focussing on making money.

Guy: Have you heard that 9 year old rap that one song... That goes... Lil Tay, money way. Carve on the Coupe on Tuesday. (Bitch)
Girl: No, but it sounds like shit.

by Kwop May 3, 2018

atl money glitch

A common scam in atlanta involving starting a clothing business making profit and then not giving anyone their clothes and taking all the money.

Quan did the atl money glitch to afford his trackhawk!

by Wormwasreee April 23, 2024

easy money

something pertaining to be easy

Man, that english quiz was easy money, all day long

by easy money all day long September 29, 2021

Mud money

The money you make while pouring a flat ass slab.

I’m finna make this mud money at Milis flatwork.

by Jess@milis August 3, 2019

money dumpster

Something or someone you invest your finances in, but in the end doesn't help you at all.

q: Hey, did you use your liberal arts degree to find a good job?
a: No, my education was just a big money dumpster.

q:So are you and Lisa getting married?
a: No, we were never good for each other. In facet, she isn't good for anything... Well... No, she made a good money dumpster.

by Derpy Leaf Horse November 17, 2017

Willy Money

A polish man that cheats in video games and eat gluten free sandwiches with Mortadella ham. The person in question is very nonindependent and usually has to contact his father of mother to complete the easiest of tasks.

Do you want to go out and play some ball later with Willy Money?
- Sure! I love to talk about how unsuccessful some youtubers are!

by hammerka May 8, 2017