Adams ass is so plumpt, so round, so perfect. No matter the amount of cum sent in there, its going to take it.
Cant wait to go to town on ADAMS ASS
He is a kind person who always protect and also people like him and he is one of the best person in the world
Adam Dib is the best guy i have ever met
Atomizing, but as it applies to only males.
Atomizing typically means "reduce (something) to small distinct units.
Atomizing is when people are reduced to not having friends, family or other ties.
Adamizing means walking a male back away from all of the people he has worked to have close to him in life.
Society in 2023 seeme to be very Adamizing, because efforts to keep men from having their historical control over society results in individual males having their ability to make decisions for the benefit of others taken away.
The agricultural university for those who don’t own farms and are destined to contract farm for the rest of their lives. Harper Adams students visit Aldi almost as frequently as the local std clinic.
I’ve got a brand new combine harvester and I’ll give you the keys because you’re from Harper adams and you’ll come work for me - overheard at Rau
He seems like an average normal boy... but when you get into his circle, you realize how unique he is.
He has a sense of understanding of how to treat others; he always says the right words at the right times. He can understand you, feel with you, and know exactly what you need when you need it. He has golden retriever energy and never fails to make you smile or blush.
You can always depend on Adam Awadallah.
You can't not love Adam Awadallah.
I heart Adam Awadallah.
Why are you acting like a little kid
Definition: adam farber