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Mexican Bean Dip

when you shit in a Mexican girls mouth and you dip your balls in there mouth. It has to be explosive diarrea.

Angie took the Dr.'s shit in her mouth then he dipped those big saggy balls into her mouth until it was consistant enough Mexican Bean Dip to be used for chips and tortilla during the Super Bowl or any other big sporting event.

by Mike's Nail January 4, 2008

36๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž

Arkansas steamer bean

Tiny clump of excrement, usually the result of a bowel movement that turns out to be a false alarm.

Bubba-Jack rushed to the toilet to seek sweet relief, yet only managed to squeeze out a measly Arkansas steamer bean.

by MasterOfHotLovin' August 16, 2006

25๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

Flicking the bum bean

Flicking your, or someone elses bum bean is when the prostate is massaged or fingers are inserted into the anus to stimulate the male G spot. This can be done to females but with less effect. This is often used by people to enhance masturbation or the sexual thrill of other people. It is an aquired taste.

Steve: i've began experimenting with Stacie, we're really getting into it.
John: ahh nice, are you going to get her to flick your bum bean?
Steve: yeah man. Flicking the bum bean makes orgasming so much more pleasurable.

by Unneededinfo November 14, 2010

11๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

bean bag toss

The incorrect way to talk about the game Cornhole

"Hey wanna go play some bean bag toss?"
"What? Are you an idiot? You mean Cornhole, right?"

by TheHoagieFish November 8, 2015

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bus goers bean

The female equivalent of Traveller's Marrow where the vibrations associated with shit public transport cause swelling and hardening of the clitoris.

"Ethel remained seated on the bus as it went past Tesco. Her bus goers bean was almost debilitating and certainly inconvenient on weekly-shop days".


The most publicised case of bus goers bean was during the making of the film Speed, where Sandra Bullock's stunt double was expected to leap from the runaway bus moments before it exploded. Tragically, due to bus goers bean, the stunt double was unable to leave her seat and was killed instantly.

by avatarvia October 5, 2011

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The beans hit the floor

The beans hit the floor. That means your balls just dropped.

When I saw manny muniz, the beans hit the floor.

by The hoang bopy January 21, 2011

15๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Bean & Rice Connection

When the brown man and the white man come together to pwn noobs and take back the reigns of SC2 from the Asians.

I tried to Void Ray rush these to guys today and ended up getting fucking pwnd. Turns out they were the Bean & Rice Connection

by McSkrillz October 9, 2010

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