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soapy pokey bum wank

A crude Scottish expression for a sex act involving an individual (more commonly a male) either receiving a finger in their anus during foreplay or alternatively as an form of masturbation, with the crucial addition of bubbles. It is commonly referred to as simply a 'soapy pokey'

'Aye, got my first soapy pokey bum wank the other night.'

'Gies a soapy pokey!' (humorous)

by smokingrabbi October 16, 2009

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Bum Puff

A bum puff is when you take either a PVC pipe, a toilet role, or any form of cylinder with an opening at each end. You place this cylinder partly into your ass, thus shitting through the pipe whilst playing the Thomas The Tank engine theme.

Bro I was really bored yesterday so I decided to bum puff for a bit

by Sajion July 15, 2015

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finger bum wank (FBW)

a particularly sick individual who is not satisfide with the usual five finger shuffle, and feels it nessecary to penertrate his own rectum with 1,2 or even three fingers whilst beating one off, adding to his own miss guided feeling of sexual gratification.

i was going to have a wank but i thought fuck it why not have a finger bum wank (FBW) i deserve it!

by franklin B wankface May 21, 2006

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Sloppy Icelandic Bum Hole

Someone who is from Iceland and has an extremelly smelly, sloppy, and sweaty ass.

Boy : I broke up with my girlfriend
Other boy : Why?
Boy : She's the biggest sloppy Icelandic bum hole!!

by mrtroller977 October 31, 2011

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chewy black bum spider

a nugget of poo with pubes stuck in it that is discovered whilst going down on someone.

dave: dude i went down on this girl i met at the bar last night
gerald: good times?
dave: no way when i came up i realised i had something in my teeth..
gerald: what was it?
dave: a chewy black bum spider.

by munkybutt March 15, 2008

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punani bum scratch

A vagina that likes too scratch its bum.

"Rainbow my Punani Bum scratch" said the lady.

by Punani Bumscratch June 22, 2008

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Whatever [bums] your mum.

When someone doesn't have the same point of view as you, you use this saying. Usually used in a sarcastic tone.

"Oh my God! Don't you just love watching hamsters piss!?!"

"Hmm, Whatever bums your mum."

by x_Lucie September 11, 2006

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