when ur a chimp and u can talk
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa im a chimp actually this is pretty cool
when ur a chimp that can talk
matt rose says talking chimps are cool
Peter Lampropoulos is the definition of cool. Anything that he does or that is similar to him is cool.
..... I am pretty sure that guy is batman.
Look how cool Peter Lampropoulos is, everything about him is just awesome. Everyman wants to be him and every woman wants to sleep with him.
Acronym for Constipated Overrated Out-of-style Loser. Often used to subvert people's expectations by calling them COOL first, and then informing them what it stands for.
Person 1: You're COOL
Person 2: Thanks man
Person 1: Constipated Overrated Out-of-style Loser
Person 2: shit man why'd you have to do me like that