Only the greatest damn moment in fighting history to ever exist. To set the scene. Daigo and Justin Evo are playing in a tournament of Street Fighter. Daigo uses his characters super, which to kick 17 times fairly fast, and it is nearly impossible to block each and every one. In order to block any physical blow by a character, you need a frame perfect button push(6-10 frames). Justin Evo is on a sliver of health, so Daigo uses his super to finish him off, but Justin, doing what was originally thought impossible, blocked each kick with frame perfect precision, and going on to win the match, but unfortunately, not the tournament.
"The greatest moment in fighting game history was Evo Moment 37"
A "Cade Baker Moment" is a brief moment that only few will understand. A moment so hilarious that no normal person will understand. Those who tend to understand are know as a, "Cade Baker." When talking about the myth himself others tend to make seemingly unfunny jokes which relate to, "Cade Baker"
When, "The Fish is a Baby" is one of the first Cade Baker Moments
When someone needs to get from one side of the T.V. to the other while others are playing. The person waits for that one second when the players stop, and quickly dashes across.
(Madden Example)
*1st down starts*
Person Dashing: Crap, i forgot my phone.
Player 1: *Throws the ball to wide receiver*
Player 2: *Tackles wide receiver*
*2nd down starts*
Oh Shit Moments are moments where you realize the magnitude of the situation you are in.
There are various Oh Shit Moments in history, like in The French Revolution.
1. *In war, surrounded by enemies*
“And this my dear comrades, is an Oh Shit Moment.”
2. Wearing pants that are slightly see though on accident.
Opposite of epic gamer moment. It means being noob or it can also be used as a way of saying if something tragic has occurred.
Iran: The US will send us Queso and Salami!
Trump: Hey siri send Queso and Salami to Iran
Siri: Command understood, sending an airforce strike to kill Qasem Soleimani.
Trump: oh no! unepic gamer moment.
When someone does something just because someone else with more clout and style does it first. Just like when Ramesh put rims on his tesla just because Bavesh did it first.
Timothy; Damn Randy, did you get a blue BMW M4 just because Thomas got one?
Randy; Yeah man, I liked his car.
Timothy: Damn that's a Certified Bavesh Moment right there.
When you accomplish something that exhibits high levels of skill, machismo, and most importantly, testosterone.
Dude, I was walking around all jacked from my workout, and then I unlocked elite smash mode in Super Smash Bros Ultimate. It was a real high T moment.