a stud on stud relationship. two masculine lesbians.
stud 4 stud or stud4stud is quite rare because it's seen as the "gay" of lesbian relationships, for some reason femme4femme is more common.
A kroger 4 piece is when you cheat on your significant other with 4 girls from your local kroger.
"Yo, did you hear that nigga low had a kroger 4 piece in his wife house?"
If you see 40■4 written on the palm of someone's hand it means thay are willing to stand up against the government to protect our constitutional rights if it is necessary
Yo he has 40■4(willing to stand up to the gov for our constitutional rights)on his palm
definitely means a handy from Jaycie Mingle
Jaycie is going to 4-square Adam today.
A person who is a dedicated marijuana user or a refer head. Date of April 20th is when the use of marijuana in the USA is now legalized.
Me: “I just found out that Joe is part of the 4-20 Club.”
Friend: “4-20 Club?” “What’s that?”
Me: “He’s a refer head.”
Friend: “Oh!”
its too cool for school but too school for cool
Dude: Hey, I don't wanna be cool. I'm too school for that!
Other dude: So you're 2 school 4 cool?
Dude: Yup gotta get them A's!
Person 1: I hate you!
Person 2: `~1⅑⅐ ⅒ ¹!¡ 2 @² 3 #³ 4 $⁴5 %⁵ 6^⁶7 &⁷8*⁸9(⁹0ⁿ)⁰∅-—_–·=≈≠+∞
Person 1: *cries*
ugh shut up you goofy lil`~1⅑⅐ ⅒ ¹!¡ 2 @² 3 #³ 4 $⁴5 %⁵ 6^⁶7 &⁷8*⁸9(⁹0ⁿ)⁰∅-—_–·=≈≠+∞...