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Talking Ben

Talking ben is the best dog


by September 12, 2022


Ben is a person who is only concerned in his own feelings. He hurts people without thinking of the consequences. He makes you fall in love with him and then when he gets bored he leaves. Then after he puts you through a great deal of pain and misory he realizes he wants you back. Now you are getting mixed signals and being tormented in his games. I will always love ben no matter how much pain he put me through, I hate that more than anything.

I wish I could forget ben

by Can't breath April 29, 2018


A guy that's very sweet and easy to fall for but don't be fooled by how cute is nice he is he will send you mixed feelings and and you try to tell him you like him he will reject you

Wow I really like Ben but he rejected me again

by Anomous334 February 24, 2020


Cute hot boy I love ben and you prob do to

I <3 ben

by madgam987 November 8, 2022


Ben's can apparently control Lions by the power of mind control. He controls the Lions to keep his friends, family and work colleagues safe.

Girl: I think there is more impressive things about you.

Ben: I don't see any Lions around here, Do you?

by lolmeows November 24, 2021


Tiny heat demon who will steal your soul to get his way. They are smart, agile, and probably a criminal mastermind. If you find DO NOT APROACH!

Ben is a sociopath.

by Jickle my Pickle February 16, 2023



Ben be a furry

by Chungalol April 1, 2022