k-town means kebab town, a "making k with your fingers" sign created by Soroush Mehrabkhani. Why kebab town? It is becouse The whole world is conquered by kebab and Soroush is a proud kebab provider. If you are from middle-east then you can always holla at your world with k-town sign when entering a place like school. To make it original you have to say k-town while holding the sign.
dont talk bad about foreigners becouse you eat their food everyday today. k-town! k-town!
Use of this phrase first used in the 21st century. It’s simply a cool kids version of to hit the town.
Original creator - Marika
Will be hitting Elgin with a girl friend — maybe see you on the town?
A state of alcohol intoxication. It is somewhere in-between being inebriated and drunk. The literal definition is to be intoxicated just to the point where you can dance to an embarrassing song such as Funky Town and not laugh or smile.
Hey, how was the party last night?
It was pretty cool, I danced to Funky Town and straight faced the shit out of it!
Nice! I love getting Funky-Towned!
Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa , Africa , Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
It's Commander Crisis I was born in Pre-Town
A YouTube channel that specializes in compilations!!
Very good videos!!