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Five Finger Death Punch

Basically Nickleback and Pantera, but as one band.

Person 1; You see the Five Finger Death Punch concert last night?
Person 2; Fuck no. That band sucks

by SilentFlaccidity March 26, 2018

50๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

Big Four of Melodic Death

Much like the big four of thrash, the big four of melodic death closely mirror them.

In Flames is like Metallica, started out with lots of hits but changed their style and got rejected by their fans.

Dark Tranquility is like Megadeth, Remains consistent in their style except for one album the had a very different style.

At the Gates is like Slayer, usually on one album is ever talked about. (Reign in Blood/Slaughter of the Soul)

Soilwork is like Anthrax, nobody really ever cared about them even though they were pretty great.

Random People on the Big Four of Melodic Death:

Billy: I really like Colony and The Jester Race but Soundtrack to Your Escape was pretty nu-metal and bad to me.

Jimmy: Projector was a bit "different" but was still alright but the rest of the others albums are great.
Bob (to Jimmy): Projector sucked man their other stuff was way better.

Tommy: Yeah At the Gates is pretty great.
Joel (to Tommy): Didn't they make Slaughter of the Soul?
Joel: Any other albums?
Tommy: I don't know.

Robert (playing his Chainheart Machine CD at a party): Cause I'll rise (crickets) Robert (monotone voice): ...You'll fall
Roll the dice! My call

by Knixx January 1, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Five Finger Death Punch

That one heavy metal band with deep and dark chords with great lyrics that relieves stress instantly.

Friend: "I just can't take this shit anymore!"

Bro: "Here's my iPod, you know what to do" - hands him the iPod full of Five Finger Death Punch songs

Friend comes to school next day happier then a guy that got his dick sucked and fucked by a thousand bitches.

by strikerdew June 4, 2013

238๐Ÿ‘ 197๐Ÿ‘Ž

Vanarial Death Grip

What you get from tricks and hoes from different area codes. Symptoms include slutty clothing, excessive makeup, grinding one's ass into or around another's genital regions, and the need to listen to shitty mainstream mtv rap. Usually found on the dancefloor af any downtown-area club.

Paris Hilton/Tara Reid/Lindsey Lohan wannabe's all have a huge case of Vanarial Death Grip.

by Chris Walsh November 4, 2005

3๐Ÿ‘ 16๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gross Black Boob Death

(Noun) The medical term for 'Breast Cancer"

"Oh no, Shirly!!! The doctor told me today that I have Gross Black Boob Death!"

by thabee420.zoklet.net December 15, 2009

34๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž

five finger death punch

Fingering a girl with all five fingers until she bleeds

I gave her the five finger death punch. And she liked it.

by jesus lee christ September 4, 2013

139๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

Death note episode 13

An episode of a great show that is clearly and 100% hentai

Dude I just watch Death note episode 13 and it was art

by Funni monke February 19, 2021