When you're playing a game you've never played before with 2 friends and they have a chat togeteher and ignore you.
Friend 1: Have you heard of the new item? it creates a black hole!
Friend 2: Aw what! how do i get it?
Me: Jesus can you stop with the pro talk and tell me how to play?
1) phrase used to express your general discomfort and/or annoyance with someone else's whining or crying
2) phrase used to communicate that you simply do not care
Malik: "Hey man I aced my culinary exam on types of kitchen knives!"
(5th time today mentioning it)
Jake: "Damn bro, you still talking about it?"
When you and your boys are absolutely on one, and making absolutely no sense to the average beta.
A form of Verbal Headassery
The Boys- "yall trying to pop some molly before this funeral?"
Me- That's some stihck talk
the redneck talk of a 909er with a large truck. using unrelateable words to describe events or actions ie; neck, dust, distance, reverse, etc.
"Long distance major reverse neckage."
"Imma boss! Thank you! Thats belliston talk"
He/she who has a very thick, southern, backwoods dialect that resembles the banjo instrument. Particularly country bumpkins similar to Marjorie Taylor Greene, Matthew Gaetz, & Lindsey Graham.
Origin: The banjo instrument was created by enslaved Africans and their descendants in the Caribbean and colonial North America. The banjo was reintroduced as a racist reinvention in the 1830s when white musicians would play in blackface.
Marjorie Taylor Greene’s talking banjo accents justifies her lack of intelligence and her contribution to society.