The act of foiling the sexual advances of butch lesbian to another woman.
I'm going to dyke block that butch from hitting on Earl's sister.
He’s not a good guy. Block him
Tell my business; repeat something that told you in confidence. Airing out dirty laundry.
Way to shout my block out, Jenn! You shouldn’t have repeated that!
You didn’t need to shout my block out like that, Scott! Not everyone need to know my business!
Tell my business; gossip; talk shit;
Way to shout my block out, Jenn! You didn’t need to repeat that!
Thanks Scott! Now everyone knows my business! You didn’t need to shout my block out like that.
An ecosystem of the lesser-known species "homocryptbloceads" The Genesis Block of this confused bunch was laid by Chrisbpirate. The crypto block heads (CBH) have none of the right moves but that's good for you as they make the mistakes in crypto, so you don't have to.
The crypto block heads just exchanged private keys written on napkins at the coffee shop.
When someone plays minecraft and runs out of ideas for a new build or additional details to a current build. Similar to "writers block"
Ugh I can't get over this crafters block!
I'm currently experiencing crafters block
similar to "cock blocked" except the person doing the blocking is female and resembles a Mop i.e. really thin, wooden personality, mop-like hair, wouldn't know fun if it hit her in her moppy face, you could pick her up turn her upside down and wash the floor with her head
Berry: come out to me in the boonies Wugs
Wugs: not going near you if the Mop is there
Berry: stupid ass Mop, always around me... wish she'd stop Mop Blockin' me
Wugs: I would so L-bomb you if she wasn't there, I do it to everyone
Berry: maybe its lucky I got Mop Blocked