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guinea pigs

when a couple argues real bad all the way home. then they prepare food while still arguing hurting each others' feelings like its nothing. during dinner they chew snaringly and fight over ridiculous stuff like buying 600g of plums instead of 500. then they wash the dishes and tidy up calling each other names ("useless whore", "brainless brick") and insulting families. then they watch the news while threatening to end their relationship, both of them hardening out of delusions of pride, honour, dignity. neither one willing to simply change their perspective for a minute to witness the comedy of their scene.

at five to twelve the couples' two guinea pigs start procreating in their cage facing the bewildered, silenced couple. a lot of wheezing, puffing and blowing, stamping and trampling.

by Krkič October 15, 2019

Guinea pig

It’s a pig

A Guinea pig is a pig

by #1lionsfan November 22, 2021

Guinea pig

Cute furry chubby patato creature always looking for food

Person 1: Yoooo i’m getting a guinea pig!
Person 2: yooo bro thats so cool

by HelloHelloHelloidontpaytaxes😀 December 26, 2023

guinea pig

the cutest thing to ever exist and if you are reading this and you dont have one get one

guinea pig goes wheek

by MisaPumpkin January 28, 2025

Guinea pig

The world's cutest animal ever! nothing can ever be cuter

person: man I want a pet
guinea pigs: *is alive*

by padytonia the awesome September 19, 2022

Guinea pig

The cutest thing you could possibly find let me tell u something. DO NOT EAT. If u eat u have no more companion. Let me spit some real facts now. They live from 6 to 7 years and possibly 10 at most
They love food and u if u give them food. They like loads of stuff, mostly food though they even have their own word for food, WEEK

Week week I'm a pig give me food now

I am not the food for you though u get food for me guinea pig
My name is peeg I littol guy

My ear go flop I know not why
My floof is big cuz full of love
But not all floof is mostly chub

by Guinea piggggg February 24, 2021

Guinea Pig

Term used to describe an attractive member of the opposite sex due to the noise of approval sounding quite similar to the call of the guinea pig.

*Attractive female appears*
"Guinea pig, 5 o'clock".
Stealth checking out confirmed and target thinks you just like guinea pigs.

by DarkCyclone February 25, 2019