That time generally starting a few days before Thanksgiving and ending sometime after the New Year where everyone appears to lose all common sense. Highlighted by events such as Black Friday, Drunk Christmas Parties, Fights over parking stalls at malls, erratic driving on freeways, an unexplainable increase in the number of people out and about, and general chaos wherever people tend to congregate.
Dude this sucks. I try to go to a store and I get hit by the Forty-Five Days of Stupid. People cutting me off on the drive over, fights over a parking stall, crabby-ass folks in line at the check out, and clerks that look like they would rather kill you and stick you in a closet than ring up your tab.
I'm gonna go in the basement with a six-pack and wait it out.
A teacher, in any subject, that assigns too much work and annoys the shit out of you. They Just love bombarding you with assignments and love acting passive aggressive when someone asks a question.
"My teacher is such a stupid farter, I've had to write 3 essays, and it has only been the first week of school!"
Jimothy is looking at memes, and finds A stupid puppy
Jimothy: I will barf. this meme is such a stupid puppy.
When you use "excited" in a sarcastic way.
I'm so stupid-excited for this test, dude.
a form of stupid that comes on so suddenly there is a very small chance of becoming un-stupid
Bill: My X wife has an aggressive form of stupid...
Fred: Bummer Bill.
it means if someones being rude call
all of them a cunt it means a women tits
Johnathan your a stupid cunt!!!!!!!!
Stupid cunt is someone who has 3 brain cells left and they barely even use 1 of them. This is usually the aftermath of PTSD after being molested by an 80 year old predator named Wendy Escobar
“Elio Ftanou is a stupid cunt”
“Poor Elio Ftanoy, he is a stupid cunt cause of Wendy”