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anthony de benedetti

The all around G.O.A.T.

The Proud Leader of the famous Clash of Clans Clan named Lost Legion and the destroyed Cheek Nation

" Oh my gosh you are the G.O.A.T. " - Anthony De Benedetti

by Anthony De Benedetti March 14, 2018

Maria de Kock

a bad bitch

“did u see how she just handled that situation?”
“yeah she’s a total Maria de Kock”

by kurt darren November 22, 2021

Dia 21 de outubro

Dia 21 de outubro foi um dia destinado desde os antepassados a bater em pessoas (especialmente em Lauras e em Lunnas ).
(October 21 was a day destined since the ancestors to hit people (especially in Lauras and Lunnas)

Hoje é dia 21 de outubro, parece que uma Laura vai apanhar.(Today is October 21st, it looks like a Laura is going to be beaten)

by RIP Paola October 21, 2020

pet de shelly

petting the shell of someone’s head

Saleena is pet de shelly

by pet de shelly 101 April 20, 2019

pet de shelly

petting de shelly, it just means petting de shelly, nothing bad!

Pet de Shelly is in our pe class guys, both of them.”

by pet de shelly 101 February 21, 2019

pat de pepe

Pat de pepe is a modern slang term used when another person touches your penis/ dick/ pepe

yo man, she went all up and pat de pepe!

by kellop February 8, 2018


to de-mooseknuckle is to remove the conspicuousness of the manbulge or mooseknuckle, i.e. the outline of a man's groin area. In real life this is done usually by uptucking or sidetucking or in a picture by cropping, because of prudishness

they de-mooseknuckled that pic because they were prudes

by nigerianwut December 23, 2022