twaffle of douche. ahole who doesn't know when to quit. always takes things too far. always tells storys that are way too long and not relevant in any way.
Jon is such a douche twaffle.
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A term that is used to define the actions/outbursts of a first year Creative Communications student.
90% of the time this word is used in a playful manner.
God Conor, you are being such a douche bag.
Wow, that Ezra Ginsburg can be such a D bag sometimes.
We will impeach that douche bag class rep. Impeach the D Bag Conor Lloyd.
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A douche bag has the typical douche bad faux-hawk, of course. He tries to impress everyone with a large vocabulary of words, and he also thinks that because of this he is better than everyone else. He is the most metrosexual male you will ever meet, and he claims that he ISN'T GAY. Nothing wrong with being gay, boys. Just come out with it already. He also has only one goal: get into as many girl's pants as possible.
Girl #1: Dude, that guy is SUCH a douche bag.
Girl #2: The one over there with the faux-hawk and the v-neck tank top?
Girl #1: Yes! He tried to impress me by bragging about his large endowment, which supposedly runs in the family.
Girl #2: What a douche. Smh.
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a person who shows up in a public place looking like a complete idiot, or does something so completely stupid that it makes people laugh on his be-half.
yo, look at that douche bag.
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All the guys from Jersey Shore.
Do you watch that show on MTV with all those douche bags in it??
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Someone who is a complete and utter idiot and does/says the worst things at the worst time at the worst possible place. Closely related to an asshole. Once an asshole does/says something really horrible they are reffered to as douche bags. However once a douche bag does/says something even worst then they are reffered to as Hussain Rizvi. Not many people can be a Hussain Rizvi. It takes years of being a douche bag before you can reach the level of hussain rizvi.
he is such a douche bag, infact he's worst. He's a hussain rizvi.
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A douche bag is:
A some thing a prostitue or any women uses to clean out their vagina after un protected sex.
B some one who is generaly not a very nice person and is nasty to every one around them. Generaly applied to guys but girls count as well.
Eww is that a douche bag.
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