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Bulk Room Gang

Bulk Room Gang is a group of various creatives and entrepreneurs primarily based in Abuja, Nigeria but with a reach as far as Yemen and South Africa. The name Bulk Room Gang comes from the practice of going to the Bulk Room in a bank to withdraw or deposit large sums. The group itself can be described as a secret society but members do not hide their association. The group is affiliated to the 7 network and the numbers 1,4 & 7 are used in the group’s lingo. What the group does exactly is unknown.

The Lamborghini Boys just pulled up Yunno it’s Bulk Room Gang season

by jajagang November 29, 2022

Gangs House

Where friends go to chill together at a run down house.

“Are you going to the Gangs House??”
“You mean the place where we all chill together???”
Yes sir.”
You already know I’m there.”

by lakalakalake June 29, 2023

Buffet Da Gang

"Buffet Da Gang" is a term to address his group "The Buffet"/"Buffet"

"The Buffet"/"Buffet" is a group made by part time Twitch streamer BuffetBoyJohn where he jerks off and rubs nipples on call

"Buffet Da Gang" We get all the hoes (transgender hoes)🥒🧛🏽
"Buffet Da Gang" We like gay men🦇
"Buffet Da Gang" John got a thick ass booty🤤👅
"Buffet Da Gang" John chopped asf 😭
"Buffet Da Gang" We love Diddy party's 🎉🪩

by WydRed April 16, 2024

Buffet Da Gang

"Buffet Da Gang" is a term to address his group "The Buffet"/"Buffet"

"The Buffet"/"Buffet" is a group made by part time Twitch streamer BuffetBoyJohn where he jerks off and rubs nipples on call

"Buffet Da Gang" and that nigga john got a big booty 🤤👅
"Buffet Da Gang" we fuck gay niggas

"Buffet Da Gang" We get all the hoes (transgender hoes)

by WydRed April 16, 2024

Diablos Revenge Gang

Diablos Revenge Gang, otherwise known as DRG, is a street gang formed in Duluth MN. Distinguished by red and grey bandannas or articles of clothing. Rival gangs include Gangster Disciples, Satan Disciples, Crips, and Other “Blue” gangs.

“Fuck a crab, I’m with that Diablos Revenge Gang”
“Diablos Revenge Gang gon top it off

“Fuck a folk, I’m reppin DRG

by Devils Associates December 7, 2019

boop boop gang

Only real pussyslayers can be part of the boop boop gang

"Yoooooooooo, its the boop boop gang"

by Limegod December 30, 2017

Goomba Gang

An absolute shit friend group that ride up on a high horse and think they're so fucking perfect. They call you a lying skank bitch and say you're a manipulative pussy even though they did things wrong too but they're too afraid to admit it.

Toby: Fuck Goomba Gang.
Ramona: Fuck Goomba Gang, all my homies hate Goomba Gang.

by 6itch6itch January 24, 2021