to have extremely high energy and supreme focus making a person insane at anything
“How many points does josh have this game?”
“60 he’s fucking cracked”
To take someone’s virginity (usually meant for someone with a vagina). “Cracking” refers to hymens sometimes stretching when you lose your virginity.
“Erin got cracked by Sean last night after the football game”
“Good for them”
Two extremes: Either doing something really good or really bad
Frank: I would get with Vena again
Bobby: You’re cracked
Frank: Why, she’s hot
Cracked is frequently used in online gaming to convey that a individual is substantially good at the game. For instance, when a person wipes out an whole enemy team, the person can be referred as "Cracked"
Holy Shit he´s cracked
He headshotted the whole team yo
An amazing player doing something crazy
meaning absolutely insane, manic, crazy pants. cracked. can be good or bad depending on the context
“oh my god i can’t believe you just said that. you’re genuinely cracked”