Source Code


Scarlett Johansson

Friend 1: what’s the definition of perfection

Friend 2: Scarlett Johansson

by sqrxndipity October 10, 2021


Maybe like a pinball kart track I dunno

Person 1: Hey, whats the best track in Mario Kart DS?
Person 2: Perfection.

by ScattWaz February 17, 2021


Ever tried your best for everyone and still failed leaving you feeling empty and hopeless getting to the realization that no matter how hard you try you just not able to please everyone

I couldn't meet your expectations of Perfection im sorry

by Supportivejenny March 18, 2020


My girlfriend

My girlfriend is so PERFECT, she's like all you need in life and will complete your imperfections

by N1ck0hq April 1, 2022


A boy named Trevor Steele Scarborough

Omg thats perfection must be trevor

by October 21, 2020


Trevor Steele Scarborough <3

Omgg its perfect must be trevor the perfection man

by October 21, 2020


Brayden Rice <3

Brayden Rice is literally perfection.

by jeans05 January 6, 2022