A secret taekwondo move where you punch simultaneously with both hands, making it impossible to defend.
It can be used as defence against attackers, kidnappers, or other bad guys.
It's also a well known dance move, first popularized in Mexico.
Bag guy: I'm robbing you
Not bad guy: *double punch es with both fists at the same time.
Bad guy: *is confused and leaves
A secret taekwondo move where you punch simultaneously with both hands, making it nearly impossible to defend in any situation.
Also a well known dance move popularized in Mexico.
Bad guy: I am robbing you
Not bad guy: *double punches in the direction of the attacker
Bad guy: *gets confused and leaves
A secret taekwondo move where you punch simultaneously with both hands, making it nearly impossible to defend in any situation.
Also a well known dance move popularized in Mexico.
Bad guy: I am robbing you
Not bad guy: *double punches in the direction of the attacker
Bad guy: *gets confused and leaves
To jab/stab someone multiple times in their anal cavity with your tongue
Hooker: Baby please don’t go there
Chaz: Why not I just wanna tongue punch ur fart box
When a dude takes his dick and swirls it around in the punch bowl at a party. Thus creating a dick flavored punch for all party goers to enjoy.
-Bro I totally just ruined the punch, make sure to stay away from it.
-Dude what did you do?
-I used my dick as a stir stick, and made some dick punch.
A test for STD's not HIV/AIDS, a long q-tip looking thing is pushed up the hole at the tip of your penis and moved around, hurts alot, much like being punched in the stomach.
I banged a hooker, I have to go get whore punched now.
Jack-"Dude did you see that girl I slept with?"
James-"Yeah you might have something"
Jack-"NO, I don't wanna get whore punched to find out, I'd rather not know"
describes a woman who vigorously masturbates.
Can be used as an insult also
Bethan do you punch the gammon?
Example: I will punch you in the gammon!