The state in which enough alcohol is consumed that the consumer reaches a state of even further beyond drunk.
Robert: Dude WTF happened last night
Paco: I don't know bro... we got were super saiyan drunk.
Steve: Reeses slapped the bitch out of fat jesus!
An explosive shit so loud and comes out with so much force it makes you think you blew all your intestines out the poop shoot and knocked a hole in the back of the toilet splattering shit all over the wall and knocking you of the shitter and leaving you thinking am I dead or did I make it out alive
2 a fart that come out so furious and angry it blows the ass of your pants out and leaves you no way of denial
Oh shitting oh no super sonic booming
Karin that bitch always with her super sonic booming ya like she puts her ass to a bullhorn 📢 when shitting Oh no super sonic booming bitches
Guys that have to babysit the Admins and Moderators from destroying the entire server because someone made fun of their gay weeaboo shit.
Usually younger than moderators but they actually have a brain.
"How did I end up being a super admin taking care of 28-year-old weebs?"
- Discord Super Admin (Probably)
Super Cooper Sunday is a sunday only, youtube series made by TmarTn about his dogs (Cooper and Koda) having adventures AKA fun. This series was made in 2015.
Hey Zachary! Have you seen that new super cooper sunday.
It's that Summer breeze female whose Facebook photo looks nothing like she does in person who lies about having sex with your boyfriend, lies about even knowing him, Medicare frauding, pock Mark scar having, filter using piece of shit bitch.
Girl: hey I met this chick named Kristina at work today.
Guy: oh? How I think I know who you talking about, that manager at the Breeze?
Girl: yeah she don't know you. I thought my mom came into the office when I seen her Super Saiyan Syphilis ass come through the door.
Nothing but Emerald and Doreen. The most epic-est goddess-like people you'll ever meet in your life. BOW DOWN NOW... OR LIVE IN FEAR... FOREVAAAAA :D
Emerald and Doreen is the most super epic goddess you'll ever meet... so BEAUTIFUL AND SEXY AND GORGEOUS.