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Day off to J off

When one takes the entire day off of their job or regular school day, to devote the time to constant jacking-off (masturbation).

Eric took the day off to j off because the night before, he saw some hot rule 34 of mudkip and swim meet on Anon.

by Eric Bloom October 11, 2007

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J-Lutz Ride or Die

a slogan for a gang started at a Bensalem Prep school. no meetings or initiations what-so-ever. just some thing to yell in the hall ways.

who needs L-Town when u can join J-Lutz Ride or Die.

by cantthinkofagoodname69 January 6, 2012

Squidward J. Q. Tentacles

Squidward's personality is grumpy, hot-tempered, selfish, nasty, unfriendly, and of course, miserable. In spite of this, he is still one of the most intelligent characters, and out of the ten major characters, he can be categorized as the most educated one, along with Sandy Cheeks (Carolyn Lawrence), Plankton (Douglas Lawrence), and Gary the Snail. He has a sarcastic attitude and sees others as uncivilized morons, while failing to accept his own personal shortcomings. Squidward sees himself as misunderstood and unappreciated, blaming society for his failures.

Random person: hey have you ever heard of the word Squidward J. Q. Tentacles
Random person:no

by the diarrhea king March 4, 2022

Pulled a J. K. Rowling

You create your magnum opus early on in your potential career, however your utterly unable to ever create anything new that even comes close to the height your magnum opus has set the bar, so you settle down for a while and sit atop the pile of money that your magnum opus has made you for a few years until the percieved utter failure to live up to yourself causes your lonely ass to get bitter. So bitter in fact that you decide it's a great idea to take those feelings to social media and turn them loose on someone or something. You climb up on a soapbox you have no personal stake in climbing on top of nor any right to be on. You take this to a level in which your figurative or literal P.R. manager has a figurative heart attack and or quits and then you dig yourself into a hole so deep that the people who helped you bring your magnum opus to life in one way or another are no longer comfortable associating themselves or their work with you any longer. Not denying your part in it of course but no longer associating with you nonetheless. In the end you've succeeded in tarnishing your P.R., your livelihood, and what's left of your potential career for something you have no personal stake in, no real gain from, no real knowledge of, and no reason or right to tarnish your P.R. livelihood or your potential career over.

Wow Notch really pulled a J. K. Rowling didn't he?

by YuriHimura June 12, 2021

Day Off To J Off

When a person take their entire academic or work day to "jack-off".

I took the day off to J off cause he saw some hot Mudkip "rule 34" on "4chan".

by Eric Bloom October 25, 2007

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De Bo J Bones

when a man is having sexual inter-course with a pregnant women (preferably one whom is about to pop out a little tike) while her unborn fetus simultaneously sucks his cock!

"Dude! Last night I was fucking that pregnant bitch Gabby and I'm pretty sure that I felt her baby givin me the old "De Bo J Bones"."

by Ye Olde Nigga August 27, 2008

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Nuthin Much Just Chillin.

T:Wat U Doin?
T:Wat Do Dat Mean Dawg?
P:It Mean Nuthin Much Just Chillin.
T:Oh OK Me 2 Dawg.
P:Man U Stupid.LOL............

by Tay409 December 10, 2006

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