When you realize you've been getting by on massive luck and it finally hits you it'll probably run out someday thus forcing you to create an adjustment plan and then implement it. This is De-Lucking.
Yesterday I forgot the 6th month anniversary of my new partner and they still gave me a hug. Best I get De-Lucking the one year now.
The next day after cinco de mayo when you regret in the bathroom all the spicy food you ate the day before .
Pedro had a cinco de mayo nuke after all the hot and spicy food he ate
RIP Pedro
An Inn owned by the ever sexy Corel. It's becoming a future bar/best damned lemonade stand ever.
1. Have you ever been to Casta De Corel? My god, the manager is so sexy.
A Man, or woman who gets sexual pleasure from a woman, or women having intercourse with another woman, or women (99% of them are bisexual)
Dude I asked Slaskin if I could brow his phone, and the first thing that popped up on his browser was two woman kissing each other he's one of those coomer de les!
When you attempt to perform an acrobatic maneuver and accidentally soil yourself
"You know when you flipped over the arm of the couch to go to the bathroom, yeah, I think you circ de soiled yourself."
"I tried to do a flip to impress Beth, but I ended up shitting my pants when I hit the ground #circdesoiled"
Argentinian-Spanish for Mother Puss Bucket
<El Hombre Malvavisco mira enojado a los Cazafantasmas>
Peter Venkman: "¡¡¡Maldito Hijo de Perra!!!"
Portuguese expression for an ass that old and wrincled. Like a grandmas ass. Like a raisin
Aquela gaja tem cá um cu de passa!
A tua avó tem cu de passa.
O teu cu de passa tirou-me a tesão.