A soft squishy not so bouncy ball. That came from a chicken's booty. Eggs are a chicken's period. Offen made fun of because squidward tentacles sucks them. Exquisite flavor that makes your breakfast 100 times better. Usually great when they are fully cooked. Raw not so much unless you're into that type of stuff. Eggs don't judge. Can transform into a chicken.
You must suck eggs because I smell your filthy mouth from a mile away. Also eggs are cool.
The best thing to exist in the entirety of mankind.
An egg is the most efficient way to eat children, while I usually like eating human fetuses I do enjoy me a good egg.
I love eggs almost as much as I love committing tax evasion!
Egyptian slang for the slang "bedan", which is slang for lame or annoying, it is derived from the pronunciation of the first part of the word "bedan" which is "beid" ,which translates to eggs in Arabic, so to be more discreet some people say "eggs".
"John is so eggs!"
"That girl from yesterday was eggs."