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Shag Pants

Loose, baggy, and often old pants without buttons, zippers, or belt loops. They are worn to be easily taken off, or at least to allow easy fingering/hand jobs.

Babe, your mom is downstairs. Go put on some shag pants and let's "watch" a movie.

by sidewalks February 3, 2015

pants beer

The act of pouring a can or glass of beer down your pants.

I can’t do pants beer anymore, I only have four pairs of pants left!

by pantsbeer21 April 8, 2024

pants beer

The act of pouring beer down ones pants and yelling "pants beer" either before, during, and/or after the act. The act became popular in late-2023 among college campuses and on social media especially on the Instagram account oldrowofficial. The act has been controversial and many have suggested that it is a form of alcohol abuse. The overwhelming majority of commentors to social media seem to agree that the act is stupid as it wastes beer, does not increase ones intoxication level, creates the illusion of one pissing ones pants, and leads to wet and often frigid testicles.

Pants beer! Pants Beer! Pants Beer!

Wow look at that idiot pants beering.

by roddy- December 12, 2023

pants beer

when someone pours beer on their junk for no apparent reason

“let’s have a beer
“no let’s have a pants beer

* pours beer on their junk*

by maya with the papayas December 10, 2023

Pants beer

Noun: A beer that is; has already been; or that eventually will be poured down your pants in sheer epicness.

Verb:Pouring a chilly frothy brew down ya trousers.

Dude, I could go for a pants beer right about now.

Did you see Liam's pants beer? It was awesome!

by TD126 December 12, 2023

pants beer

A pants beer is a paradox created by young drinkers that goes as this. If you think a pants beer is stupid, you aren’t drunk enough. What a pants beer consists of is that of one pouring a cold beer down their pants in a public setting. Now why would someone do this, you may ask? Because they’re drunk enough to do it. Why are you sitting there reading this, thinking Jesus that’s stupid? Because you aren’t drunk enough. Theoretically, the drunkest you can get leaves you to make some stupid decisions, and if you really are drunk enough, perhaps it’s possible to convince yourself that pouring a cold pbr down your crotch is a good idea.

Let’s do a pants beer!

Why would I want to do that?

Oh, you just aren’t drunk enough.

*has 16 beers*

Let’s do it!

by ComprehensiveTough April 27, 2024

pee pee pant


gosh he is such a pee pee pant

by Adegb March 6, 2022