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Stroke Fag

1. A term for someone who is stupid, ignorant, or a pain in the ass.

"Chris is a total stroke fag"

by twoeightyoneci April 11, 2008

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fag bangle

A woman who sleeps with a repressed homosexual man.

"Derpina is sleeping with Herp? I thought he way gays. "
"Yeh she's a total fag bangle. "

by technoph1le December 3, 2011

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Fag me!

A phrase to say to someone that means the same as "fuck you" in a silly way..
for when you're all flustered at someone.

...could also literally mean two homosexuals having a threesome with you.

"dude, you're such a fucking idiot."
"ya know what?! Fag me!" *walks away dramatically*

by CASHCASHBABY June 15, 2009

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Chicken Shit Fag

Someone who you stop seeing who will not even acknowledge your existence and you did nothing to warrant that reaction. It ended well!

Stephen, you are a chicken shit fag!

by yayas October 28, 2008

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Jet lag fag

A jet-lagged person who goes to sleep with Skype on and does not respond to anyone who talks to him/her online. His/her friends would usually get annoyed by this person and call him/her a Jet lag fag.

on Skype:
2:00 PM Gil: heyy whats up Alan!
2:06 PM Gil: how was your break.
3:57 PM Gil: Jet lag fag.
4:08 AM Alan: Huh?

by dadcamehomewithstd February 6, 2011

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Fag (AKA. Faggot)

A word used usually by 7th or 8th graders EX. Yo (First Name) is such a Fag.

And it is a homophobic slur.

Brandon is such a Fag (AKA. Faggot) lol

by The fuck ups December 22, 2019

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American Muscle Fag

A large, loud mouthed douche who believes that he can beat every car ever made in a race. Aside from professional tuners AM fags are annoying and should not be treated with respect due to the nature of the large amounts of shit dissing that spews from what used to be their mouth.

John: Yeah man! I can totally kick your supra's ass in a drag man. You kidding me, that ricer shit probably only has 300bhp.

Timmy: Actually is has 1700bhp you American Muscle fag.

by Beat_Junkie117 October 2, 2010

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