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Chieng gang merch

Something you should buy

Chieng gang is the best thats why i bought Chieng gang merch it is way better then the whole logang combined

by Chieng gang April 5, 2018

Target Gang

You have to walk to Target during track practice to be in it.

Yo did you here that Paul walked to Target and is now in Target Gang.

by Target Gang September 27, 2019

Kiwi Gang

Fandom of pianist Costantino Carrara, named on 14 April 2021, during a live stream

I'm Kiwi gang

by Cassius_☺ April 24, 2021

gang banggalane


Im gonna mess you up with

gang banggalane

by Brcck.sk January 9, 2025

P Gang

P Gang- A Notorious Gang Founded in Oslo,Norway. The Gang started as a joke and later became a real thing. The God Fathers is often know for thier short temper and power over the police. 42 is a number they often juse. All members of P Gang must go true a Test. The test show how loyal they can be. Specifies of the test is not known. Just Remeber. A New Gang is in town and be ready for chaos.

(person 1) : Ey! You heard of the Stuff P Gang did?
(person 2) : No? what did they do?
(person 1) : They beat up some guys that think they are real gangsters!
(person 2) : Wow. hahaha! Them got what they deserved!

by 42isthething September 10, 2017

1👍 1👎

3flo gang

a gang like Bloods or Crips, created originally by Hakim Lefebvre, gang colour is dark green

"3flo gang shit"
"don't mess with 3Flo"

by 3flo_pierce November 27, 2019

Back On The Chain Gang

I found a picture of you, oh-oh
Well, it hijacked my world at night
To a place in the past we've been cast out of, oh-oh
Now we're back in the fight
We're back on the train, yeah
Oh, back on the chain gang
Circumstance beyond our control, oh-oh
The phone, the TV and the news of the world

Got in the house like a pigeon from hell, oh-oh
Threw sand in our eyes and descended like flies
Put us back on the train, yeah
Oh, back on the chain gang

The powers that be
That force us to live like we do
Bring me to my knees
When I see what they've done to you
Well, I'll die as I stand here today
Knowing that deep in my heart
They'll fall to ruin one day
For making us part
I found a picture of you, oh-oh
Those were the happiest days of my life
Like a break in the battle was your part, oh-oh
In the wretched life of a lonely heart
Now I'm back on the train, yeah
Oh, back on the chain gang

by Death Menace May 12, 2023