BS from law is that guy that somehow pulls a million women but cannot keep a single one.
He also does not pay for coffee.
"wow that dude is such a BS from law, he got ghosted by ANOTHER girl"
Big Daddy is a HUGE celebrity from Waffle House. He isn’t just my daddy, He is YOUR daddy, and Waffle Houses DADDY. Big daddy is the ICON of Waffle House and probably should be their mascot. Big Daddy should get the N-word pass imo.
The artful act of destroying your current life circumstances by avoiding your daily responsibilities for a momentary fleeting glimpse of what "the grass on the other side of the fence" looks like compared to your current life trajectory.
The web-dwelling hermit realized he was Ruining Away From Life suddenly while deep into an Urban Dictionary vocabulary session instead of facing his actual homework assignment, learning how to pronounce the word "trailer" properly, which was due literally three years ago.
Ruairi's friend asked her if Steve like her candies from the bra?
If a person (mostly a homie) starts shining black Airforce energy at once and start acting crazy and not caring about life (mostly meaning he started vaping) and the nigga start acting with other people that already where shining black Airforce energy
1 is that jakob rolling up a joint
yes nigga he went from black skechers to black Airfoce
2 is andrew hanging with kai
yes nigga ofc have you not head he went from black skechers to black Airfoce
A woman which is really hot - but also really dead, who you'd like to sleep with or marry.
Q: Have you ever heard of Katharine Hepburn?
A: Hell yeah, hot AF. she's my wife from a past life.
My friend plays as frieza in dargon bowel fighterz and he is good wwith him imve neva seen dargobowel but the gam be gud he be a mean lad
friend : heee heeee heeee im using fireza from dargo boul fighteresz