It's when get in a fight with one of your opps and you shoot them and that's where the smoke part comes in. The gun is smoking and they just got smoked.
Guy 1: Did you hear those gunshots last night?
Guy 2: Yeah, he tried running smoke with some gang members.
The act of exercising while being in a depressive episode.
Person 1: "bro you good?"
Person 2: "yea bro I just gotta go for a fog run"
When the spliff isnt rolled or smoked properly it burns on one side leaving the paper on the spliff uneven
There was a run on the spliff so you can tell he new to this
Clothing worn to commit a crime and escape quickly
Anyone bringing running kit?
Driving or Towing a travel trailer, like an Airstream more than 300 miles in a single day, arriving after 3:00 in the afternoon, staying overnight and then continuing to your destination.
We made a moonshine run from Indiana to get to Maine for an Airstream rally, stopping only to eat, sleep and get back on the road again. It still took us several days to get there.
A large paintball gauntlet consisting of “friends” shooting at you. Has nothing to do with getting married.
Jack: hey, did you hear Dewey just did a bachelor run
Victor: yeah, that must’ve hurt.
Jack: yeah at least he’s not getting married
When a male runs up to an unexpexting person and ejaculates onto them, then runs away.
Todd-"Logan ran up and came all over Mary"
Mark-"He just did a Run n nut"