Athens State University is an Alabama public state university. It was founded on December 9, 1822. Originally, Athens State was four year residential campus with greek life and sports. However, gradually over time they got rid of these and today it is a 2 year upper level only campus.
S1: I'm going to Athens State University!
S2: Isn't that school very boring?
S1: Yes, but I am saving a ton of money! And I can keep my part-time job. Go on buddy, go to your expensive school.
A school for nerds who are depressed, stressed, and have an unhealthy obsession with bubble tea. If you go to UTS: don’t.
Oh you go to University of Toronto Schools, that’s unfortunate.
The greatest educational institution on the face of the Earth. Pristine residences, top of the line professors and equipment, and hands down the best meal plan of any school. Legends have foretold that one who acquires a PhD at Highway 7 University will transcend reality.
Amit Chakma: What school do you go to?
Vice Provost General Stegster: Highway 7 University!
A non-religious, agnostic, atheist-friendly way of expressing " Oh, Dear God" or "Oh, Dear Lord".
Oh, dear Universe, we need to leave!
Oh, dear Universe, I beg you that we don't have to work today.
Oh, dear Universe, wtf is happening?!
a) A a state of community full with functional slaves and deranged authority managers. And this definitely has nothing to do with Jesus, Its just JESUS CHRIST!
b) A management college, that lives up to the irony.
c) You get in Christ Uni. only if your parents aren't asian enough.
Me : *stares*
Jesus: "Don't look at me like that, I've nothing to do with "Christ (Deemed to be) University" ".
High treason
A elitist cult classic to Canada preforming b&e with the assistance of police in triangulation assault and battery and 1004 murders
Ever heard of Abraham Hicks and the universal religion?
This video is only a year old... Did I not say something about that!? Is somebody doing something with that? Is that a thing now?
Hym "Informational Universe Theory! Best theory of humanity! My BRAINS... It's to POWERFUL! Omega Brain-Mind! Better than everyone!!!"