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dollar ricky k juice

The most gangsta rapper in the south

Dollar Ricky k juice: yo
Everyone: <3

by dollar Ricky k juice January 22, 2019

Brad k

Gay boy who’s scared of fanny

Steve : I’ve had my knob deep in brad k

by Deepintheshitter0 March 26, 2022

Classy with a K

Not Classy

Have you seen that fake LV bag? Classy with a K!

by Shaftan-Ullmark December 25, 2023


An acronym for self-absorbed, misogynistic, homophobic assholes: Proud Boys and Karens

I saw a group of PB&K's getting beat down at a Pride Rally

by AGuyFromCorkIE June 9, 2020


M/K is a person who tries his hardest to love to the best of his abilities, but not every female is good to him. He has a tendency to fall for the wrong girls, and when he falls for the right girls, they always fucks it up. Despite the fact that he receives nothing, he gives in his all. He is well-liked and well-known. He's sexy and hot, and girls tend to stare at him a lot whenever he walks.

You are just like M/K.

by M K :) November 22, 2021

Bart k

A real ass nigga that does sick ass flips and that innit he's soo cool and shit and has a big penis coz u know a real nugga that's coz he's a real nigga and is the best YouTuber after ttora and gtora coz u know he's a real nugga

Oh that nigga Bart k so sick innit

by bibi00 January 9, 2018


When you're fighting naked against a dog and it bites your dick, so you bite it's dick back.

Hypothetically you could bite the dog's dick off! You mean I should K-69??

by BlackJackbuster June 2, 2024