A man who has a strong desire to have sexual relations with girls with no standards. Often is found in the botherby area of Carlisle harassing young women
You heard someone shagged Dippy Lois last night. That man is such an Alex Wills
something you a call a youtube mechanic asshat who stuffs his bearings with marine grease and likes it
god damnit you're not listening to that alex chadney again are you?
The definition of cringe. A wannabe pot head with suicidal tendencies and a terrible taste in music. Probably likes golfing but is terrible at it. Always living up to the "ex" in Alex.
Oh look Alex Polidoro is trying to include himself on our inside jokes again.
When you feel random or do something silly while in a random or good mood.
Me: oh my God! It's gonna explode! Aaaaagh!
Bestie: huh!? what is?
Me: I was just doing an Alexism :P
A family friendly religion that believes in the abolishment of babies and worships their God Alex.
Lacking sense or sound reasoning. Usually seen in very small children or those named Alex.
The belief of being victorious in the event cash back is received from paying a speeding fine.
Alex: "I win because I received £0.50 back from my £100 fine"
Everyone else: "Alex Logic"