The mild buzz you feel after drinking one or two beers. This usually occurs when you haven't consumed alcohol for some period of time. (i.e. More than a couple days.) Also called a Baby Buzz.
That Carlsberg gave me a nice baby glow. I think I'm gonna have a few more.
A child born from semen leaking from a woman's anal creampie into her vagina causing impregnation. Generally unplanned.
A dumb asshole presumed to be the offspring created through definition #1.
Someone who can't handle situations where drinking is involved because they have no self-control.
Person 1: Did you hear Erika got pregnant?
Person 2: I thought she only takes it up the ass?
Person 1: Yup...dribble baby, yo.
"Man, fuck John...fucking dribble baby."
"Did you invite Freddy? I hope not because that dude is a dribble baby."
When your baby can't be left alone but you have to poop so you bring baby in the bathroom with you.
"Hey, what you doing?"
"I'm baby shitting right now, but I'll be finished in a minute".
A baby from the nostrills
Where did you come from
I'm a nose baby
A grown ass man who’s babied by his mother.
Wait so he’s 45 still living with his mom?
Yea he’s a titty baby.
When a girl is having sex with a dude and he has no idea what he is doing, his strokes are inconsistent and he is usually yelling weird ass shit because he is enjoying it, not you
"Oh Brittney, take this nice and hard, yeah yeah"
"You have such a baby stroke, I don't think I had an orgasm once"