It means “suck my dick” in a italianized version. You say it when someone bothers you or when you wanna make some jokes to your friends.
Hey! You should puppami la ciolla
Fête à la grenouille is a cute little cactus boy find by the streat...
He's not like everybody but he's lovely and he treat people with kindness
fête à la grenouille
Dans la forêt : look! A little cactus with a banana, let's go adopt him, he look so lonely and sad
Trouvé nu : of course, let's give him some parental love
Trouvé nu dans la forêt are his adoptive parents
Most filthy of them all.. Aka Corn Ball
LA Honey is unexplainable
Residing in or to be found in an imaginary place called LaLa-Land.
US Congress, by rejecting red-ink controls on deficit spending in 2010, have demonstrated repeatedly that they are deep in the Land of La.
A person your texing probably said this- in total honesty nobodys sure what it means. I think its a mispel. If so, your in luck- 'la' means 'leng.'
-'you are la'