The word you use when you're trying to start a conversation and don't know what to say, so you desperately try to think of something or wait for the other(s) to say something.
(P1 walks up and sits with P2)
*awkward silence*
P1: So...
Stack Overflow is the biggest Q&A site for programmers I know of. The SO abbreviation may refer to or any other site of the Stack Exchange Network.
I asked the question on SO, maybe they have a better answer.
The Swedish word for Samhällsorienterande ämnen, in English its basically social studies, except your learning religion civics, and history at the same time.
its used excessively in Swedish school, and the reason we cram all these different lessions together is so that you dont have such
Hej Malte, har du hör att vi har en SO-prov på mondag?
Åh fan, jag har glömde att studera.
A Sohui is a short but extremely intelligent person. A Sohui is extremely jumpy and can be jumpscared 99% of the times. They are also extremely fragile and can be hurt from the slightest things. They would also give you a blank stare at random times as if you were a piece of food.
LzH: Dude, why tf does she keep looking at me?!
Marcus: That must be a Sohui.