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Having to do with species whether human or animal. Or as a pun ie; "you are special"!

It is our 'special' obligation to protect our children from predators.

by R2CUL8_1 December 6, 2023


Saying that nobody is special is a half truth. Either nobody is special or everybody is special, from infant to terminally ill elderly people. The reality is people can still do things to make themselves unwelcome, and nobody has to accept or permit/allow anything or anyone in particular.

There is no all inclusive truth about whether people are special or not, or whether everyone is welcome or not. It will always be based on an individual basis by someone's actions and not on the way they look on the surface that determines whether they are welcome or not, or whether they do something special or not, and that won't change.

by The Original Agahnim August 6, 2021


Special is the most perfect girl she’s so loyal and she will do you right if you want something call her she’s going to be right there to help you , you need to talk to some one call special whatever you need she will be right there . I pray that special finds the right person that treats her just like special would treat anyone else , Special is just so special

Special is so perfect.

by Jade Williams June 1, 2023


The definition of special is Cody martin

Oh Cody martins a special boy!

by Ehat is this June 6, 2024


In slang means "special needs" but could also mean they're unique

Tom: that dudes special bro ignore him
Brad: yeah on god he is

by SANDYSARTEX September 16, 2023


Taking the Mick out of someone

John”stop,you ain’t special
Lacey”special like you”

by Lexyy109 March 11, 2020


1) unique, important, nice thing to say about someone
2) dumb, weird (meant in a bad way), very degrading thing to say about someone

1) "you're so special :)"
2) "no you're not stupid, you're just, uh... special"

by March 24, 2022