The World Most Bad ass Song That Was Ever Created And That Has The Power To Completely Destroy Your Ear Drums No Matter What Level Volume Your On.
5 Finger death Punch is king. Lesion To This..
Also known as “The Hotel”, Level 5 is a level of the Backrooms resembling a hotel, but it is also home to Deathmoths and the Beast of Level 5.
Level 5 is also ill-advised to stay on.
lamar lamar lamarlamarlamarlamarlamarlamarlamarlamarlamarlamarlamarlamar gta v
lamarlamarlamarlamarlamarlamarlamar lamar gta 5
The game where you can shoot women kick people and shoot the with a rpg 7 (litteraly) alsl the 4,5 minute loading screen
Gta 5 is cool cause you can run over people
The most annoying goddamn phrase ever that should be permanently terminated
It's typically used by people trying to save their suicidal friends
Person A: text me at 5 minute intervals or else I'm calling the cops
Person B: ugh fine.
It is something like a lizard that usually lives in moist woody areas or abandoned buildings. Search it up on google and you will see pictures of it
Me: Yo I got a 5 lined skink for my project
Person: You mean, skunk, idiot
Me: No I mean, skink, asshole
Me again: Search it up dumb bish
what somebody says when their still in shower/bed but don’t want you to think there going to take forever
person one: dude are you coming??
person two: yeah bro i’m otw, i’ll be there in 5
20 minutes later…