When someone is in a fight and they grab the opponents cock, then jump up and twist while falling on their back.
If Charlie does the move against Jake Paul then he did the flying cocktwist to Jake Paul
Something wolfy playz would like to do to your grandma if you piss him off.
"That won't save your sweet little grandma when I fast-fall, 360, 420, Double-Y Fly Kick her off a bridge on her fucking nose"
-Wolfy Playz
Run and jump while you have a bonner an try to get it in the girls vagina while in mid air.
Nigga i just flying burito this chick!
The Supersucker's drive by blues
To flip the bird
Give 'em da finger
It's time to fly the finger
Yeah, that middle digit brings your point
And drives it home
nasty, broke, ratchet ass stripper
look at that pole fly, no tips, broke chick.
when you get a lot boys in your dms
friend 1- what are you doing tonight
friend 2- not much just getting dick flying tonight
A nineteenth century phrase that refers to a polished bald head.
“Wow, where's your hair?”
“I decided to go for a fly rink.”