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Cream team

The best electrical 3 man team

Wow that cream team is amazing

by Electrical genius May 14, 2024

S cream

Cream that is a ‘S’

Gime dat S cream man

by Jojoatthedocks January 17, 2023

Cherry Cream Pie

When you cum in a female a lot and then put a cherry in her vagina, then yellCHERRY BOMB!”

I gave Julie a Cherry Cream Pie last night.

by Jsuwwhwh March 22, 2021

Cream Eyes

Eyes that make you catch feelings or fall in love

Person 1 - "how's that girl that you saw"
Person 2 - "she has cream eyes, I think I've caught feelings for her"

by a1.kyle March 9, 2019

Cream Eyes

Eyes that make you catch feelings or fall in love.

Person 1 - "what happen when you saw that girl"

Person 2 - "she has cream eyes, I think I've caught feelings"

by a1.kyle March 9, 2019

ohio cream pie

When a guy from Ohio ejaculates inside any orifice.

“Last night, Britton gave me one of his world famous Ohio Cream Pies!”

by JojoMelons February 6, 2021

Too much of that cream

Having it too easy. Everything’s handed to you, mainly in a post office work area

“That route is nothing! You need to get him off that route. He’s been getting too much of that cream

by Ofsuburbia December 25, 2023