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Friick you Urban Dictionary!

When Urban Dictionary doesn't publish your thing

๐Ÿฆ‘ was not published
Agent 3: "Friick you Urban Dictionary!"

by Cat Kid aka Kid_Cat64 November 4, 2018

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adding names to urban dictionary

What everyone should stop doing. We are sick of name definitions, and most rightly get rejected

OMG stop adding names to urban dictionary

by Threadkilla May 19, 2015

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the marriam webster dictionary

the dictionary sitting by me that doesn't have half of the words and deffinitions on this site. I don't think it should.

The Marriam Webster Dictionary doesn't have half the terms that are listed on this site.

by anonymous September 30, 2003

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Urban Dictionary sleep deprivation

A condition where a person loses sleep because he or she is to worried about his or her 'new' word being editted and accepted on Urbandictionary.com.

I'm gonna have some Urban Dictionary sleep deprivation if my definition of 'Sex' is not published.

by a new word everyday December 13, 2010

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Urban Dictionary voting section

A subsection of www.urbandictionary.com that allows you to vote on what definitions are put on the website, this feature seems pretty cool until it makes you vote on the same definition ten times in a row.

*furious clicking sound*
Tim: Aargh!
Kevin: What's wrong?
Tim: My hand is cramping from voting on "Liquor fish" too many times.
Kevin: Why Urban Dictionary voting section, why

by GenericName232 August 13, 2016

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Retarded Urban Dictionary editors

The reason why your definition is not published onto Urban Dictionary

1 new message!

Urban Dictionary - Travelin' Band was not published

Editors reviewed your entry and have decided to not publish it.

Are you kidding me!?!?! WTF!? Another one??? Why are Retarded Urban Dictionary editors taking over Urban Dictionary? I am also hearing stories from my friends complaining about how their definitions are rejected.

by NHRHS2010 July 20, 2011

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Urban Dictionary in 2022

A left-wing biased catastrophe with some made-up sexual fantasies.

Urban Dictionary in 2003: Informational definitions, and occasionally humorous definitons which are completely wrong, but they are just that: Humorous.

Urban Dictionary in 2022: Everything is sexualized + irrational hatred for the 45th President

R.I.P Urban Dictionary

by Someone who kinda exists January 22, 2022

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