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...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead

a rock band from Texas
often simply called "Trail of Dead"
a very good band and in my opinion the hope of alternative rock, a genre that suffered so much in the past few years.
they got everything: musical talent and the jolly good ambitions to bring variety into every album, cool lyrics, stylish artworks and on stage they simply ROCK! make sure to be there if they are around for a show.

i simply like ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead - although first i thought they play some emo crap. but then i listened to them!

by sgrDD March 21, 2008

19๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

BDWD (Brain Dead Work Disorder)

The manor in which ones brain ceases normal cerebral function in such form as a coma. Typically induced from repetitive remedial tasks in which the brain slowly shuts down for long periods of time.
Bleeding of the eye sockets
Uncontrolled urges to Punch, and hit.
Slow physical response.
Loss of speech and lack of saliva control

Dude, Smith is just sitting at his desk drooling and is not responding to anyone, He totaly has BDWD (Brain Dead Work Disorder)

by flynbrian January 13, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

why is there a dead pakistani on my couch

A part of the series lost

Dear, why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch?

by Derpyp February 12, 2016

26๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

dead-eyed white men

They share a common feature, beyond their gender and ethnicity. Americans who commit almost all mass shootings and other crimes of hate have the same uninflected, flat stare, easily seen in hundreds of photographs.

From Atlanta to Gilroy, through Las Vegas to Rockford, Orlando, El Paso and Oklahoma City, the locations and victims too many to count, the mass killings in America were not carried out by any of the hotly-feared groups targeted by the Far Right and the NRA. Mug shots reveal that in almost every case, the perpetrators were dead-eyed white men.

by Monkey's Dad March 18, 2021

2๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

Drop Dead Gorg Easy On The Eyes

This means when someone is so sexy there are just no words to describe them. There something that makes them stand out from the rest and just have this glow about them.

All the girls on my softball team are drop dead gorg easy on the eyes.

by Tooties April 23, 2019

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why is there a dead pakistani on my couch

well put simply the phrase a dead Pakistani on ones couch is referring to the case of a dead Pakistani on someones couch

John: "Why is there a dead Pakistani on my couch"

by TacticalWalrus February 3, 2016

32๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

why is there a dead pakistani on my couch

Why is there a dead pakistani on my couch is an expression used when you are trying to escape an awkward conversation by casually walking away in concern.

"Hey Jimmy how was your summer?" Question aunt Lara
"Why is there a dead pakistani on my couch" Jimmy answered as he slowly walked out of the dining room.

by Manbearpug April 12, 2016

21๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž