1) In relation to a Cleveland steamer, a phrase used to encourage the pooper to produce more focal matter.
2) An encouragement to someone about to eat ass.
1a) "Don't choke on the peanut butter babe, I want that shit in all my pores."
2a) "Sorry hun I forgot to wipe, don't choke on the peanut butter."
A game watching reruns of project runway where you take a shot every time someone says "juxtaposition."
Time for don't bore Nina
We're gonna get hammered.
"Gunga Ginga, you'll don't understand" is used when you're talking about something you know the other person wouldn't understand.
Mike: bro *kisses him on the lips* today is October 26th !!
Joe: what? * pushes him angry *wtf are you doing??
Mike: Gunga Ginga, you'll don't understand...
Advice for someone being bullied by a rich bitch and they're are rich. Lie about your wealth.
"I am being bullied by the rich bitch. what should I do?" Person 1
"When she's around, don't let the truth be of sound." Person 2
Oh! So you DO know that I did the thing I'm saying a did. Good. That means you know I'm better than you and you're fully aware of your place beneath me. Fantastic. That's exactly how I want you to feel. Inferior. Because you ARE that.
Hym " 'You don't own it' he says. So, people don't own the contents of their own minds. Fantastic. That's going to work out great for everyone."
Idiom used when someone is being/making something disorderly or to describe someone as loving gossip
1: Person 1: You really need to stop putting thumbs where they don't need to be.
Person 2: I'll put it all back when I'm done, I promise.
2: They keep putting their thumbs where they don't need to be.
P.P Public Pussy / means when a woman sleep's with all the men in her circle and then she wants to branch out to the public.
Mr. Wonderful 29palms,California
Hey sweetheart don't be a P.P (public pussy)slow down and keep your legs closed keep tight save it for your husband you might want to get married one day.....