a game that copied minecraft hunger games, rules of survival, pubg, any battle royale game, etc also the worst game in the world
wanna play fortnite today? nah fortnite is for motherfuckers who suck their daddy’s cock
The awful lazy game that everyone was obsessed with for some reason. This game is half the reason why kids are little annoying, spoiled, demonic brats. This game also is just gay in general, this game just over shadows games that are actually good and has the WORST community ever. This game ruined kids and 2018. So pretty much cancer and aids combined together into one jar.
HEy WannA PlaY ForTNiTe, Im A spOiLEd Un loVed VirGin CraP! Let Me JusT Use Mt MOms CreDiT CarD TO Buy V BuckS And Then RAGe!
a game that is already full of fucking tryhards
oh no this guy is a pro fortnite player
shit were going to die
THE GREATEST GAME EVER! It has a bunch of sweats and epic games is stupid. It will soon become minecraft.
Og: "In fortnite I dropped with 27 kills I'm a bot."
Season 3 player: "What? I got 13 kills as my most!? Is season 3 og? My bot games are 2 kills or less and I average 6!"
Average guy: "Rip I average 8 kills and when I play bot I get 3 kills or less my most kills are 16."