When a mammal (typically a cat) places its bare asshole on a surface
Girl: My cat sat on my pillow “full coin down” and left a gnarly streak.
Guy: That’s fucking disgusting!
The type of mentally handicapped that'll shoot milk making jokes about colors. Also see "sawed off human"
You get some full blown mentals at the lunch table laughing, milks gonna fly!
The van full of kids is where you cum into your hand, and then you fist your girl.
Dude I just gave her the van full of kids and she liked it.
When you drink so much water you can feel it in your stomach.
Person A: I'm hearing water in my stomach when I move!
Person B: Looks like you have a belly full of water.
It is often used to describe something that is done to the greatest extent possible. For example, someone who has gone "Full Williams" in training is pushing their body into working out to the highest level of intensity. It can also be used to describe someone who is intensely committed to a new hobby or interest. Someone may be described as Full Williams if having walked into a camera shop, with the intention of buying a new compact camera for family snaps, they subsequently leave with a top of the range SLR setup, complete with an array of Lenses, Filters, lights, reflectors, and associated paraphernalia.
Jesus have you seen Johns new bike? He's only been on two bike rides and he's just spent £5k on a carbon fibre road bike and full Rapha setup, Yeah he's gone "Full Williams" on that one!
The act of going "Full Zellner" is to approach any particular task with absolute meticulousness and zeal, leaving no stone unturned in ones plight to succeed. No effort or expense is spared until the task is complete or goal reached. Some well known people who have gone "Full Zellner" in their line of work are Tommy Wiseau, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Kathleen Zellner.
Friend; How did your prostate check up go?
Patient: It was really uncomfortable, the doctor went "Full Zellner".
Friend: Oh no... is everything ok?
Patient: Yeah everything is fine, I'm 100 percent totally clear.
Friend: At least you know for sure.