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Sunrise park middle school

Full of people who can’t fight and talk shit and are toxic. Fake as hell, to many fights to count that why there is a police officer. people think the school is depressing. 8th and 6th graders take over the back of the buss. 7th grade is in the front. We eat food when ever we want. To much drama... god damm. People who can’t fight talk shit.

Look is that the depressing school Sunrise Park Middle School.

John: I love Sunrise Park Middle School

Adam: dude this school is depressing

by My chicken strips :/ November 7, 2019

gale ranch middle school

the most mid ass middle school you will ever see. fights break out every week and tiktok girls can be found all around campus, as well as boys stuck in 2019, and kids who think that the teachers are hot. also, some of the most weird ass and problematic teachers live here.

person 1: yo i go to gale ranch middle school
person 2: man i am so sorry for you

by vanny from eff en ae eff January 31, 2023

George Fisher Middle School

The type of school that will give you depression. It’s filled with white ass people that are mostly fake. The teachers teach irrelevant things and try to stuff them in your brain. People in the school always having lower self esteem because of the white kids that go to the school. You always get lunch detention for the dumbest reasons ever. The chances of you getting kicked off of something social being held at school (ex: ice ball) is 75% for something that’s not even serious. 🙄

George Fisher Middle School

by @hoodgurlz December 7, 2018

big spring middle school

A school in Newville, Pennsylvania that is very poor and has way too much drama for early teens. Though there are only three classes in here at a time, there are a lot of thots and LGBT+ kids. The current principal gives off some weird vibes, and the vice principal might as well be a drill sergeant. Full of children who have no idea what they want to do with their life, they eventually graduate and go on to big spring high school

Person1: Why is that person spreading so much drama about those poor kids?
Person2: I don't know, but it sounds like they go to Big Spring Middle School.

by anonymity rules! February 17, 2020

Westville Middle/High School

a school in northwest indiana (LaPorte County)

quite boring, some kids are assholes, some not. mostly a normal school.

there's some emos and some jocky dudes and stuff but most can be chill.

farmers. so many farmers. it's a farmer town. some kid drove a tractor to school once. definitely a school with farmers.

pray to god to get a nice teacher. either you're gonna have a nice teacher or the worst and most rude teacher around (or a pedo but they get in trouble very quick)

ignore the music teacher. she yells and is pretty obnoxious LMAO.

the classrooms smell nice.

Person 1: "Hey, how's Westville Middle/High School?"
Person 2: "Meh, at least it isn't LaPorte or Michigan City. Would rather be here than at either of those schools."

by deviousmclick January 3, 2023

Wayne Carle Middle School

Welcome to Wayne Carle Middle School where you can find all the fake bitches ever. Everyone at Wayne Carle Middle School are crack heads that have to take vape breaks if you come across them in the bathroom they will most likely threaten you to make sure that you don’t tell on them you can also find pills on the floor and every kid at Wayne Carle Middle School everyone sells juuls and that is what our great school that is known for so come down to Wayne Carle Middle School so you come you can find the fakest bitches ever. #waynecarlesurvive 2019

Person 1= What school do you go to

Person 2= Wayne Carle Middle School Person 1= I have $20 what can that get me
Person 2= A Juul and one pod

by Yourgirlsil April 1, 2019

Great Valley Middle School

Great Valley Middle School is a place were the 6th graders are tiny as fuck, the 7th graders act like they own the school, and the 8th graders just want to die. And the only thing keeping the 8th graders there is Mr.Wise fine looking ass

Great Valley Middle School is ass

by 123flashme October 15, 2022