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The Team Of 100% Creative People

the best actwbmc team ever, used to mention the team of creative people with characters:
Azulblue - AB
Gumball With Tophat - GWT
Forget Me Not - FMN

Sonic The Hedgehog - STH

the team of 100% creative people is the best team ever

by ACTWBMC November 4, 2023

The worse kinds of people

People who doesn’t exercise their right to vote.

The worse kinds of people don’t vote. They are losers

by Hubert001 October 27, 2020

Make fun of people named Justin day

A day to make jokes about people named Justin
April 20th - May 20th

A person named Justin - Hello There
Other Person - you were "just-in" time
Another Joke Strikes during Make fun of people named Justin day

by NameNameJustin April 13, 2023

4👍 2👎

Rich People Appliances

An appliance that looks so sleek and state of the art that zero of the functions actually work. An appliance made for those who've never had to use them. Hydrovac for maid payers, coffee makers for people who never need to wake up.

My mother in law filled our house with these junk Rich People Appliances and now I have to pay to get rid of them!

by Augustus Brokea$$ February 16, 2024

Loves to piss people off

Loves to piss people off

Loves to piss people off

by Zatarain’s Root Beer Drinker November 22, 2020

People's Temple

Founded by Jim Jones, A cultist activist and leader, In fear of the Government disbanding the cult, the People's Temple Followers drank poison-laced purple Cool-Aid. Causing a mass-murder suicide in the surrounding area.

The People's Temple has brought bad luck to Jonestown and its' citizens .

by Swarts Dè Bangâr March 25, 2017

You have to ignore the majority of people

Unless they agree with me and then it should entirely dictate what the president does.

Hym "And I think this because I'm a super smart guy and should definitely have a say in other people's lives. You see, you have to ignore the majority of people because... You know, reason."

by Hym Iam October 3, 2024