This common-looking fruit is actually a devil in disguise.
It is the #1 weapon against any kind of medical-studying individual.
It can also be used as a way to humiliate someone by making them spell the word.
Do not underestimate it.
"He brought an apple to the doctor's office. News sources say that the doctor instantly vaporized upon seeing it."
Person A: "Hey, spell 'apple'." Person B: "Sure: A-P-P-L-E." Person A: "LOL!! You said P-P!!" *Everyone laughs at Person B*
Person B: *dies of pure humiliation*
A magical fucking red fruit that when you eat it your dick will grow 3 inches longer
i ate n apple and when i when to bed i saw my dick grow.
Why do you need the definition for apple?
you should know what a apple is. you fucknugget
to take a massive bite out of something while holding it in your palm
did you just apple that pineapple? what the fuck is wrong with you?
Apples can end people if you eat an apple a day to keep the doctor away.
My buddy ate an apple to keep the doctor away and he died
its a flipng fruit how the hell dont you know what fruit is
aperraently you have no apples down there